Shipping an order

When a sale is concluded, the Swiss Post prepaid label and the information needed to ship the package / envelope will be available in the order details. You will be able to print the label directly from your home.

Clozen will send you an email as soon as the label is available, with a link to the order tracking.

The item must be shipped within 5 days, after this deadline the order will be cancelled.

Film your packaging and the sending of your package / envelope

Although we are confident in the honesty and integrity of all members of the Clozen community, in the event of a dispute you will be asked to provide filmed proof of packaging and shipping. In the event of a dispute, the buyer will also be asked to provide a recording of the reception and unpacking of the package / envelope. In order to guarantee the protection of the affected party and possibly a refund, Clozen will need this proof to resolve the dispute.

With regard to the recording of the shipment of a package / envelope, please make sure that you pay particular attention to the following:

  • The item (or batch) inserted in the package / envelope ;
  • Packaging finishes (adhesive roll, string, etc.) ;
  • Visible and unblurred Swiss Post prepaid label ;
  • Deposit at the Swiss Post counter with final sealing of the package at the counter.

Package / envelope tracking

Clozen offers package tracking directly on the website in the "My sales" section.

The proceeds of the sale will appear in your Clozen Wallet as soon as the buyer validates the receipt of the order.

Please note :

It is important to choose a suitable package / envelope size when putting the item or batch on sale. This choice can be modified as long as the sale is not concluded. An unsuitable format may result in additional shipping costs which Clozen will then charge you for.