If you wish to make an offer to the seller

You can do this by clicking on "Make an offer" in the chat thread or directly from the product listing.

  1. Click on "Make an offer" ;
  2. Offer the price that suits you ;
  3. It is up to the seller to accept or not your offer ;
  4. If your offer is accepted or you have agreed a price other than the initial price, click on "Buy" in your chat thread.

Please note:

  • The price of sale displayed for other members will remain as initially indicated in the listing and the catalog; 
  • The number of offers made to sellers is not limited ; 
  • If the seller issues a minimum price, it will be impossible for the buyer to make an offer below this minimum price ;
  • An offer cannot be made on shipping costs. They are not negotiable, however, certain sellers can decide to bear the shipping costs.