Information on delivery

Once the order has been placed, the seller has 5 days (120 hours) to ship the order with the prepaid Swiss Post label.

Thanks to the package / envelope tracking, the buyer will be informed of the shipment of his order by email. The tracking of the package / envelope will be made available to the buyer and the seller at all times on Clozen in "My Orders", "My Sales", the chat thread as well as on the Swiss Post website.

If the seller has not met the shipping deadline, the order will be cancelled and the buyer will be fully refunded.

Please note:

Although we are confident in the honesty and integrity of all members of the Clozen community, in the event of a dispute, the seller will be asked to provide filmed proof of packaging and shipping. The buyer will also be asked to provide a recording of the reception and unpacking of the package / envelope.

With regard to the recording of the shipment of a package / envelope, please make sure that you pay particular attention to the following:

  • The item (or batch) inserted in the package / envelope ;
  • Packaging finishes (adhesive roll, string, etc.) ;
  • Visible and unblurred Swiss Post prepaid label ;
  • Deposit at the Swiss Post counter with final sealing of the package at the counter for shipment over CHF 500.00.

With regard to the recording of the reception of a package / envelope, please make sure that you pay particular attention to the following:

  • The entire unopened package / envelope ;
  • Damaged parts ;
  • Packaging finishes (adhesive roll, string, etc.) ;
  • Visible and unblurred Swiss Post prepaid label ;
  • Opening the package / envelope and showing the contents ;
  • The item(s) that do not match the description given by the seller.