Make a video recording of all your packages / envelopes

Although we are confident in the honesty and integrity of all members of the Clozen community, in the event of a dispute, the seller will be asked to provide filmed proof of packaging and shipping. The buyer will also be asked to provide a recording of the reception and unpacking of the package / envelope.


With regard to the recording of the shipment of a package, please make sure that you pay particular attention to the following:

  • The item (or batch) inserted in the package / envelope ;
  • Packaging finishes (adhesive roll, string, etc.) ;
  • Visible and unblurred Swiss Post prepaid label ;
  • Deposit at the Swiss Post counter with final sealing of the package at the counter for shipments over CHF 500.00.

With regard to the recording of the reception of a package / envelope, please make sure that you pay particular attention to the following:

  • The entire unopened package / envelope ;
  • Damaged parts ;
  • Packaging finishes (adhesive roll, string, etc.) ;
  • Visible and unblurred Swiss Post prepaid label ;
  • Opening the package / envelope and showing the contents ;
  • The item(s) that do not match the description given by the seller.


In order to guarantee the protection of the affected party and possibly a refund, Clozen will need this proof to resolve the dispute.